Please complete both of the steps below to join or renew SRCCC membership
- PayPal Payment – Pay the correct membership fee using PayPal and note down the PayPal transaction ID
Membership Fees are:
Senior (18+) £20* Juinior (17 or under on 1st Jan 2024) £10*
- In the PayPal app or website find ” Southend Radio Control Car Club ” ( – this web link will take you there directly.
- Enter the correct amount
- Insert “2024 Your Full Name” in the message/notes
- Select Friends and Family (not Goods or Service)
- Note the Transaction ID – which is included in the confirmation email PayPal sends you, or by tapping/clicking on the transaction in Paypal web page/App.
- Complete this form – Fill out the form below (including the transaction ID) and submit it.